Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Without spoiling anything, I would be surprised with the season finale but, well, it's Game of Thrones. Anything is possible. Many may not like it but I respect a show that is so unpredictable and isn't afraid to sacrifice.

One thing that doesn't make sense to me is why would the Lannister soldiers allow Cersei to be taken prisoner like that? That never would have happened had if Tywin were alive.

That's the point; no Tywin leaves the Lannisters flailing, and Cersei is self destructing. She thought she held the full deck put played right into the HIgh Sparrows hands. (One of the fandom theories claims that the High Sparrow is actually Howland Reed, father of Jojen and Meera and bannerman to Ned Stark. Im not 100% sold on the idea, but it's an interesting one)
It's ironic that all Tywin worked towards throughout his life is being ruined by his children, Cersei primarily. All he cared about was the Lannister legacy. In the books, it's mentioned how Tywin kicked his father's mistress out of Casterly Rock upon his (father's) death, stripping her of his mothers jewels and clothes and having her walked naked out of the city. A nice little parallel.
