I replied to this document before; I found it a fascinating demontration of how a savvy gangster focuses on power over money. Like Carlo is demanding the copa, not cause he really wants or needs it; Its like a test to Jerry Catena to see if he will aquiesce to demands, and Tommy eboli picks up on this.
It kinda reminds me of something I read about Castellano; he found out the Gambinos got a smaller share of the Garment district and went beserk, not at the money, but that he as top boss didnt get the top cut.
The way they have Jerry not discuss the Commision with his family to isolate him, what cunning...
The references to the closenedd with the outfit.
How Tommy Ryan DIDNT understand why Giancana would go for the story Carlo and Luchesse made up, but Giancana did have beef with Bonnano...