I actually agree I believe Merlino to be much smarter than people give him credit for. Not saying this guy is curing cancer or anything, but I think he's quite street smart. I think the whole "celebrity" thing in the 90s was him building a sort of brand for himself almost so he can easily work old guys like old star struck wannabes in FL. He probably figured hey I'm gonna do some time eventually anyways, but I think now that he has his "brand equity" and served his time that's why you're seeing a much less media friendly and less in your face Merlino & Crew (relatively speaking compared to 90s). And incidentally, he is hooked into Meek Mill and that whole deal and had his young guys and daughters at the concert backstage in Miami. Not sure what kind of influence or even any financial inroads he has with that whole scene anymore, but the connection and relationship is definitely there. Remember he got RAM Squad a record deal with Universal. Just some food for thought... Maybe I'm giving Merlino way too much credit here, but it sort of makes sense if you look at the big picture in terms of how he operates.

Last edited by PHL_Mob; 07/22/15 12:26 PM.