Originally Posted By: MaryCas
There is something about 16 people "throwing their hat in the ring" that sounds....desperate. I think the Constitution encourages revolution when the people think the government has gotten off track. I think they are off. Where are the leaders? It's getting scary. We don't need politicians anymore. We need leaders.

Most of those candidates running don't think they can win, at least I don't think they do. Some are running out of ego. Some are running to increase their name's visibility out there so they can sell more books or get a Fox News TV, whatever. Some think they can actually win, and some think they might have a chance if the party base sours on the contenders and fortunes break in their favor.

Of the GOP field, honestly the only "serious" candidates I see are Jeb and Walker. Several of my Lefty friends insist Rubio is another, but...sorry, don't see it yet.

What's unfortunate for the Republicans is that if not for the bridge scandal that refuses to go away, my bets would've been on Christie to not just win the nomination, but a legitimate shot at winning the general. Why? Because Hillary is a shitty candidate out in public, awkwardly trying to act human this side of Nixon. Christie for his problems can think on his feet and be genuinely entertaining.

But since Christie beat himself before his opponents could beat him, nevermind.

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
if it comes down to Hillary vs jeb bush, good god, what a pair to draw to.

either one would be a disaster, can't we say so long to the Clintons, and bushes.

In that hypothetical match-up, I really have a hard time believing Hillary would lose unless the economy shits the bed like in '08.

But yes talk about Americans loving their franchises.