Originally Posted By: oldschool3
Faithful...you make some great points, but beware of revisionist history and who exactly is writing on behalf of the CSA...slavery was nothing more than a blip on the radar screen in the 1860's, as far as the Civil War was concerned....and again, this whole controversy with the Confed. flag is so phony...its all symbolism over substance. Our society is always on the search for anything that can possibly "offend" anybody or any group, its completely out of control...this is just the latest example in a long line of "offenses."
Its gotten to the point where individuals are unable to even voice an opinion that is not agreeable to the left...if you do, you can bet that the forced, compulsory apology is soon to follow.

oldschool, what more can Faithful do besides provide accredited documentation? He did all he could. Now someone denies that and then turn around and call it revisionist. That's bananas, and it's what is wrong with American discourse. We can't have a productive political discussion because everyone is denying and claiming the other guy is making it all up. Just understand one thing, secession or a breaking up of the Union, is very dangerous. I know I sometimes speak in riddles. If translation services are needed, just let me know.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."