Scarf's guys are/were not like your grand-pop ! These guys were the next generation " ruthless " but all about business ,but could have regular friends of all kinds..and respect for regular folks..

Now Skinny's generation, bullies to regular folks. Gross stuff !
Just do a little research and see for your self..

The only way you could interact ,depended who introduced you and(If it came from A.C. guys they could not get a read on you so you were alright) still was a very uncomfortable situation .
That family I am guessing cos of the two Bosses just being killed were very edgy" .

The only time it felt right around any of them was when Nick sr was away in Texas...and if it was in a social place ..a bar !!

But not the A.C. guys I am talking others, out of town guys...
The local guys I knew since I was a little boy..

I guess cos not to many Philly guys were around daily while he was away so they did not have to push" there chest" out or have a pissing contest !!!

Phil did not go for that circus act ..he seen right through most of them ,and I guess Nick sr did but he was looking for killers and guys to make him money and these guys knew it and it was a pissing contest ...but a treacherous one ....

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."