Originally Posted By: atardi
Bright blue spandex minishorts, one of the few things from the 80's that HAD to go. PB still has his though but he's smart enough not to wear them in public.

Never lol.

I was the worst of stereotypes back then and I admit that now. And being that I've accepted what I was back then, and, for the most part, changed a bit, I don't mind giving advice to the young guys here by telling them that the life doesn't come as advertised in the media.

I was the worst. Italian suits and shoes. Handmade monogrammed dress shirts with French cuffs (black onyx and solid gold cuff links), Sergio Tacchinis in every color, soft leather Viking slip-ons to match, and enough gold to put a dent in the national debt. But if I ever put on a pair of spandex shorts that showed off Junior Pizzaboy? I would have been shot by someone in my own family lol.

See, when I scream about stereotypes, I know whereof I speak. Because, until I was well into my thirties, I was one wink.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.