Originally Posted By: Neo
Originally Posted By: dsd
off topic*

Is it believable that Amuso and Casso ended up together ( prison bus i think), after Casso has (tried) ratted out? And then Amuso says something lame like " i see you regret ratting".

I thought Amuso was convicted by the time Casso was caught.

Casso doesn't regret anything he does and he is where he belongs.

He decided to start ratting on feds, the dumbass, and they gave him life.

Yeah Amuso was convicted by the time Casso got caught.

He is just a hard head thinking the feds wanted to hear that there own were bad..
He was told a couple times that they were not here for that ,they wanted OC guys...

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."