It's difficult to generalize like that Ivy. There are those in the gay community that simply want to be treated equally under the law and be able to marry and have a job without being fired. That's reasonable enough.

On the other hand there is the contingent of people who essentially do as you and many others have feared, forcing it down people's throats, going after people who don't believe what they believe, going after churches, etc. I don't believe being homosexual to be a deviant lifestyle, and I personally don't think it's a choice. Let them do what they want.

But tolerance is a two way street. They must understand and accept that not everyone accept it as normal or mainstream. It's just the way it is. And you won't change anyone's mind by yelling and cursing at them and calling them bigots. At that point all you can do is disagree and walk away.

I wish both the Christian right and the gay agenda and their supporters would do so. But it will not happen with so many people feeling so strongly about this.

Which group is the majority? The ones that want to be seen as equals or the ones that are angry and push their agenda without apology? I'd like to think the former. Remember, often times the loudest people may seem like the majority, but they're actually not.