
Do you think philly is going to have to expand their south and north jersey crews to help feed all these former big timers getting out and keeping them happy ?

North jersey makes sense to me with a bunch of arrests the last few years and a few guys starting to go away from Luchesse and WS . Plus Philly used to generate huge sums of $ from north NJ , probably have some old relationships that can get them started.

I was at that Genovese busted money laundering , gambling operation in Newark , Portucale , that was a big and and diversified operation ( pay day loans , huge money laundering - allegedly $400M in 4 years , gambling , check cashing, business bust outs , port Newark trucking deals - a typical under the radar sophisticated and diversified WS op in a place you would have no idea had so much $ going thru it , anyway the place is still open , typical lol . Still tho great food, place still packed , the chef was the owner of porto's in Bellville that closed down , guy is a great cook .

Anyway Serp as you mentioned , sending some up north would probably be smart , lots of business probably to go around

Last edited by DB; 07/10/15 11:42 PM.