Originally Posted By: Faithful1
I can think of a few others.


Agree. Currently work from Western companies is outsourced to stable former UK colonies (India,Ghana) with English speaking well educated labor pool, or to China where manufacturing infrastructure already exists. Haiti comes up short by both measures.

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
*Change in legal system. Increase the police forces and root out corruption

Difficult. In USA, with LEGAL system of lobbying, officials STILL get busted for corruption and bribes every day. In poorer, less organized're talking about Tammany Hall level of open corruption for those in power.Also it's corruption + incompetence..And when you have have a situation where, for example, an earthquake destroys structures that were NOT built to code and thousands of people die needlessly.
The cholera epidemic that killed hundreds in Haiti? UN worker from Nepal did bring the disease to the island BUT UN contracted a Haitian waste disposal company to handle the waste from THAT building. Evidence shows that they disregarded ALL accepted protocol for waste disposal and their incompetence DIRECTLY resulted in that waste entering the river...and killing their OWN people. Workers , owner of company, dept that regulates that industry, mayor of the town ALL had no answers.

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
*Sue France.

Several attempts have been made to recover the money.Don't think it's going to happen. In terms of the embargo on newly independent Haiti...US and other countries had to make efforts to suppress a country founded by Africans who defeated their slavers, less it encouraged the enslaved populations in their own countries. The obvious hypocrisy of some of the framers of the constitution and those who lead the French revolution,"enlightened men",... writing about god given rights of men for freedom,etc AND owning other HUMAN BEINGS is not lost. When given the choice, most people choose principal OVER principles.

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
*License logging.

Interesting idea..the modern deforestation is from rural poor chopping down trees for cooking. DR had a similar problem and they smartly gave their rural people alternatives ..which I will look up. But the stopped the people from doing it and prevented long term problems.

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
*Change the constitution.

Constitution has been rewritten and amended several times.Much more modern in scope now.

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
*Change the education system. add STEM classes and certain useful technology classes (agriculture, wood shop/carpentry, metal shop/metallurgy, electronic tech, health/basic nursing, etc). Also, for a moral foundation, teach the Ten Commandments.

Agree...with adding STEM...and practical technical instruction. I believe in God but organized religion has hampered Black folks across the globe more than it has helped.More on that in a future thread about that topic.

Great post,F1. Complex situation....internal and external factors played a part in current state of Haiti. People of Haitian descent living abroad have been spearheading efforts to do some of the things mentioned in this discussion for decades because slowly but surely they can be done regardless of who is in office.

Thanks to you and BF for the interest in the story.