44 arrested in 'Ndrangheta drugs bust
International operation breaks up cocaine trafficking ring

(ANSA) - Rome, July 9 - Police on Thursday bust an international drugs ring linked to Calabria's powerful 'Ndrangheta mafia, arresting 44 suspects in Italy and abroad.
The organisation allegedly trafficked cocaine from South America to markets in north Italy and Europe. Over 600 kg of cocaine were seized in the operation, which also involved authorities in Colombia and Spain. The suspects included a group of Albanians based in Fiano Romano north of Rome, who allegedly took receipt of one of the largest batches of drugs handled by the criminal organisation. The cocaine originated in Venezuela, Colombia and Chile, prosecutors said. The traffic was managed by the 'Ndrangheta's Mancuso clan in partnership with other clans operating along Calabria's Ionian coast and the Albanian and Colombian organisations. 'Ndrangheta has in recent years replaced Sicily's Cosa Nostra as Italy's most powerful mafia because of its dominance of the international cocaine trade.
