
I only have that title by default, as I'm the only guy here.I mentioned political stability earlier, and coup d'etats, violent transfers of power, have been the norm in Haiti's history.There are a couple of reasons for that. If I could reduce those factors....the first thing I would address is to try to reverse the deforestation that's occurred in Haiti due to (again) govt. incompetence.

here is a view of the Haiti/DR border

I've read numerous estimates but it's safe to say that less than 10% of the trees that stood in Haiti a hundred years ago are up today and the impact on agriculture,climate,etc have devastated the country.

Current president instituted a (fixed)surcharge on money transfers to Haiti that goes towards funding public schools. Step in the right direction. Free public schooling is a foreign concept in developing countries. I'd add MANDATORY English and/or Spanish language instruction. The official language of Haiti, French, is not the 1,2, or even third most spoken language in the Western hemisphere (that would be Eng.Span. and Portuguese in which order not sure)and frankly not speaking any of those languages limits Haitian people in terms of access to information and commerce.Try to open up the world to the youth and future generations.

I'd gradually call for the removal of NGO's and charitable organizations. The Aid industry is mostly made up of scammers and the legitimate ones cripple people's ability to help themselves by giving them things instead of INSTRUCTING them on how to make things or get things for themselves.
Millions of dollars were raised to "help the poor Haitians recover from the earthquake" with Haitians as tv props and no answers on where the money went. It went where it always goes.
I'd try to replace those resources with a partnership with schools in US,Montreal Canada, France and French West Africa to send grad level students trained in different fields to teach courses in French Kreyol to adult Haitians about agriculture, fishing techniques, using solar energy, commerce,etc

Would, try to re establish the once booming Haitian tourism industry. Haiti is a VERY African country..in blood,art, culture,music,food,etc.Except for a few areas in various countries...in W Hemisphere...Haiti stands out and this is what once attracted thousands of tourists a year ..PRE 1980s and Haiti being linked with AIDS. Before the bottom fell out, tourism was one of the thriving industries in the country. American dollar goes quite far in Haiti , as opposed to other Caribbean destinations.Cuba opening up now would put a dent in my plans but I'd try to do it.

Haiti is a poor country but the really bad conditions began in 1957 with Papa Doc.The "every man for himself" mentality that exists in segments of the culture developed as a survival mechanism under brutal dictators throughout our history but ESPECIALLY under the Duvaliers. That mentality would be the biggest hurdle to whatever progress we'd try to make.

It would all be long term planning, the effect would be felt decades from now and the more detailed plans (economics, public policy,etc) would be designed and adjusted current climate.