Originally Posted By: Jimmythepen
Neo, you are doing your absolute best to get a raise out of PB. I don't post so much in here, I lurk and try and post when I can, but it's clear as day what you are doing. PB has said to a couple of guys he trusts and has time for that he'll message them PRIVATELY. It's obvious. Either you are being obtuse because of some medical condition or you are doing what most of us know.

Just quit it.

Thanks, Jimmy. But everyone knows what's up. That's all that matters. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about it unless he breaks a rule because there's no "proof," and the mods' hands are tied.

Anyway, like I said, I said my piece and that I'm done in this thread. But I'm big on gratitude and wanted to say, Thank you smile.

Moving on....

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.