Originally Posted By: fergie
It stays, if it goes now, it'll gain a guaranteed rep in 100 years as basically a swastika, and that's totally wrong

I don't agree with what the Confederate flag may or may not stand for. I certainly don't respect it's original bearers, the Confederates....but we have free speech in this country.

That said...

The best way to deal with this issue is to enforce US flag code which is actually federal law.

US Flag Code states that NO other flag of any other government may be flown...by itself, or above the American Flag.

The only way to display a foreign flag (IE the flag of another government or power) is to fly it BENEATH Old Glory, or side by side. NEVER alone. That (flying a foreign flag alone)....is an act of war all by itself.

That said, I am fine with the Confederate flag as long as it is flown BENEATH Old GLory, or side by side, not by itself.

Now, if you love waving the Confederate Flag...but cannot see yourself waving Old Glory next to it, maybe it's because you don't believe in the values Old Glory has come to represent. And that is not only un-American, it actually marks you as an enemy of this country.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."