Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
Possibly. It's also been said by some that they put a membership cap on the families so one family couldn't grow too large and pose a threat to the other families.

Exactly, Sonny. And that's why the smaller, out of state families were allowed to grow themselves a bit and still make guys during the hiatus. Because even with the additional manpower, they still posed no threat to New York.

And it's good to see you posting again. It's been a long time since I've seen you here on the regular. This place could use as many quality posters as we can get, especially in this section (to be fair, the other sections run themselves and there's never any trouble there).

Thanks. I only post from time to time in an interesting thread, of which there are very few these days. I agree with you about that this didn't apply to the families outside of New York. I also interpret it as that the books were closed for group ceremonies and that some individuals were still made if, like you said, they had the right rabbi.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."