Originally Posted By: fergie
The US also trained and armed Syrian freedom fighters at bases in Jordan - many of whom subsequently joined Isis.....Said it before though, the US doesn't really choose its "friends" wisely....

In fact, entire militias in the north of Syria that have been provided with american made TOW missiles via Saudi Arabia have been willing fighting along side of non-ISIS terror groups like the Jabhat Al Nusra (AKA Al Qaeda) and Ahrar Ash Sham. Most of the major ones are self described islamists (though not as extreme as some). Knowing all this, both republicans and democrats seem to have decided that the main goal in syria should be to take out assad. It makes me giggle whenever I hear one of these assholes seriously talk about backing these 'moderates'. Are we supposed to believe that the moderates who couldn't overthrow the regime would be able to beat the jihadists who could?

Also the last sentence reminds me on one country very relevant to the conflict: Turkey. Is there any other US 'friend' that has been as problematic lately. Qatar isn't up there on the list either.