Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
No desire of getting into a debate here on Lombardo, but he was the official boss for only a brief time (in the early 1980s). This is clear reading his files. Funzi Tieri was the official Genovese boss for most of the 1970s, until he was taken down by the other Genovese powers. Oviation, weren´t you a member of this forum when I posted stuff from his files? You can find it by putting "Lombardo" in the searchfield and "HairyKnuckles" in the author´s name.

It is an old argument indeed. But I don't know what files you're referring to. It seems pretty clear from Vincent Cafaro's testimony, the extent of which can be found in the "25 Years After Valachi" report, that Tieri was official underboss/acting boss and never the official boss. The whole "Benny Squint was only boss for a short time" came from picasso on the RD forum. All things considered, I think Cafaro would be in a better position to know than picasso (who also claimed Fat Tony was the official boss too and Chin didn't become boss until after the Commission case - despite all the evidence to the contrary.)

Old argument indeed. It doesn´t come from Picasso though, but from Lombardo´s files. A dozens of informants, or let me put it this way...on a dozens of occassions (both in Lombardo´s and Tieri´s files) informants identify Tieri as the official boss and Lombardo as a captain (later as the consigliere before he suffered a massive stroke which sidelined him for years). I have no clue why Cafaro testified and said the things he said. It´s possible that Lombardo was able in some cases to manipulate and control Tieri in much same way as Persico was with DiBella and that made Cafaro believe Lombardo was stronger and more powerful. Perhaps that´s what he is referring to in the testimony but words it incorrectly. In Lombardo´s files, there is a small chart showing Lombardo as a captain, Tieri as the boss. It´s based on information from CI´s. I have showed you parts of this chart over on the other site, don´t you remember?

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