Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
Okay, when u say inferior, you have to take into account who you are talking about.Joe Adonis got paid for every car Ford made. Anastasia had like the whole of the brooklyn docks,half of Profaci's life was a model for the Godfather (Think about that a little while...)Bonnano was a Boss at 26,Luchesse was as politically astute as Costello, as business savvy as Luciano, more low key than both, cunning as Genovese and as feared a killer as Anastasia in his prime. Marcello runs a whole STATE, and Trafficante has the whole carribean basically. Maggaddino controls the canadian border, all kinds of smuggling. Those jewish clevemand mobsters that financed part of vegas? There were Too many heavy hitters back then to call anyone inferior, THIS is what luciano realized, if u try to muscle all these guys you would end up deader than dead...

Very true. Can't add nothing to that.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."