Originally Posted By: Ivan
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
when I say kid, I mean like 18 and 19 years old

Well yeah, you're a kid until you're 40.

I have acquaintances my age (35) and younger who bitch about how they are getting "old", it annoys the fuck outta me. Some of these geniuses are still in their 20s. rolleyes

People who live their lives like that often end up letting life pass them by. I have twenty years on you, Ivan. I'll be 56 in the fall.

Anyway, the guys who like to wax poetic about the old days when they're only 35 will deeply regret it when they're 55. You can't live your life in the past or in the future. You can only live in the now.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.