Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
Titles arnt always indicative of power. Consider Costello; Boss of supposedly the most powerful family, yet in order to neutralize a capo in his own family (Genovese)he has to okay a hit on a Boss (Mangano) because he needs Anastasia's MUSCLE?

This is true but a lot changed for Costello during that time. Moretti who was his main muscle was losing his health, Adonis who had an army with him as well was deported as well as Luciano not to mention all the Jewish Murder Inc. guys dried up so Costello's only real remaining muscle was Albert especially because Costello was never a big time street guy I don't think he connected with the rank and file button guys who were the killers as Genovese would have by being a Capo but also by having it in his pocket that he once was underboss it could be more convincing then by saying I should be boss "just cause" a la Gotti

"There was only one boss and his name was Charlie Luciano."