Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
Also to the point, these guys had no reason to go against Lucky cause he wasnt tryna WAR WITH THEM, or take over their businesses. Also, the commision really was always the chicago outfit and the luciano family/lansky click. There is a mary ferrell document where Tommy Ryan mentions this, that they and chicago were always of one mind. THIS was actually the main strength and ally of the luciano family on the commision, this kept the others in check. Consider this, Profaci had kids married into both the bonnano and zerilli families, bonnano is cousins with maggadino,and all these guys are close to Gagliano and Magano. Thats a hell of a power block, now Luciano is close to the underbosses at this time like anastasia and luchesse but these guys arnt bosses yet. Its the chicago connection thats the biggest source of strength, they are eventually partners in the race wire, hollywood, vegas, havannah,teamsters,slots,jukes, all the biggest rackets...

The Genovese family controlled New York and New York controlled the whole country. Without a doubt it helped that Chicago sided with Genovese on most if not all commission issues. But you have to think that the Genovese family controlled the commission until Gambino became boss, this was as a direct result of Luciano being boss when HE formed the commission.

Sure it was easier for Luciano to get them to fall in line than to go to war with them but the fact that he was able to take out bosses Maranzano and Masseria and then have the charisma to get egos like Anastasia and Genovese to fall in line speaks volumes in my opinion. I'm not denying he didn't have help but he was the one to actually put it all together.He might not of had the idea but he knew how to implement it and get everyone else to go along.

"There was only one boss and his name was Charlie Luciano."