Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
DB, the Feds spent a shit load of money on terrorism. It isn't like they aren't using their resources in that area.

That's exactly right. Do I think that arresting geriatric bookmakers should be a top priority? No.

But it's like I was saying last week about the guys who cry, "Why don't they go after the Black drug dealers?"

Well, they do. And if you bothered to read a USDOJ press release once in awhile that didn't mention one of the Five Families, you'd see that it's true. They're going after these Black and Mexican gangs with the same zeal they attacked the Mafia with back in the '80s.

I'm no moralist, and I loathe most cops. Not law and order itself, the world needs that. I'm talking about the average guy who becomes a cop. They're largely unintelligent and have huge problems with authority themselves. So when they get the power, they go nuts.

But that's neither here nor there. They can't selectively prosecute, and the end of the day, when you play you pay.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.