They got fucked

The word I kept hearing holding this up is the Madonna thing PB discussed and they wouldn't offer Ralph a plea less than 15 years and he got shit on with the other Plea and so did his kids . John and Joe are the ones w a future there and are young and I'm sure that plays into this as they will inherit the leadership later on, they have a lot of associates and that crew is active with earners and several affiliated busts the last few years that could or have put others in jail .

Michael , one of the bigger player gets out very soon and he will have an immediate role as that book and crew is big . The other Tacetta gets out soon too so it's gonna be interesting who ends up top there

Still what a fucking joke , again , I'm getting really pissed at our LE system that is handing down huge sentences on BS fucking gambling charges and wasting thousand of hours of manpower . This whole thing was about last name while we have a real terrorist group aiming to repeat 9/11 that is real and festering with media propaganda in JC and Patyerson yet we have LE dealing with this , fucking seriously ?

I'm besides myself with this plea but from what I heard in the beginning the pernas were fucked and the prosecutor was not offering a reasonable plea

Nice job LE , let ISIS set up shop with their media campaigns in JC and Patterson , while we go after gamblers in a state that allows gambling and is pushing very hard to allow sports gambling and push sports gambling 3 miles from where these kids grew up , WTF is going on in this world

A few major guys get out soon and will have big roles in keeping customers , as the Binos and maybe even the WS are licking their chops to get to pick up the pieces in gambling , shy , restaurants and garbage are big in that area of Bellville , Nutley , lynhurst , Hudson county etc . PB will have a better sense of the WS and Devita will lay off here or go after the rackets

It's gonna be interesting w a Tacetta and Perna getting out soon and millions at stake . If I were a leader in the Bonnanos and Columbos id be sending people over and setting up shop as we speak as they have almost nothing here and this is a small shot to get a little something going

Any legal guys out there on what time these guys do with good behavior . I think it's a federal case meaning they are ducked , out at approx 7 years at a minimum