I don't know, I mean on one hand as long as you are not hurting anybody then you should be free to live your life however you want (as crazy as you want).

But on the other hand I just can't help but think this whole thing just highlights this modern day mentality where if you don't like something physically about yourself then change it (and lie that you ever got it changed).

Whatever happened to learning to accept yourself the way you are?

I mean there are always going to be things about your body you don't like, but we are all going to get old anyway. We are all going to get gray hair, get wrinkled skin, etc. Physical beauty is so fleeting that it's overrated in my opinion.

Meanwhile your personality will last forever, and THAT'S what people should really focus more on improving.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on looks which will fade anyway, maybe people should spend more time on fixing their rotten personalities which will never fad.

But I'm only 29 so you older people can feel free to jump on me if you want (EX: You'll think differently when you're older!) I just think society (and my fellow women especially) places way too much importance on how we look...when it really should be more on how we act.

As far as the woman in the article goes...I don't understand why she felt she had to lie and say she was black to be a member of the NAACP. Unless she just wanted that particular 'look', but then this is different then just dying your hair and claiming you're a blonde when you're really a brunette.

This is claiming you are a totally different race, and that is not acceptable in my opinion. You can admire a race without lying and claiming to be of that race. I personally think people of mixed race have such a beautiful skin tone, but as a white girl I'm not going to paint my skin and pretend to be something I'm not.

That's just crazy, and goes back to learning to accept yourself the way you are.