Originally Posted By: getthesenets
and yeah F1

this stuff came out because she alleged that her p.o. box was filled with hate mail and evidence showed that only those with keys had access to it.

point by point breakdown by local media outlet that was behind the story


This is the crux of the story...all the interviews and revelations about sexuality and other smokescreens are just to deflect from Rachel being a LIAR. Worse than her lying about who she is and her background is her crying wolf about "hate mail" and "nooses" on her property. There is a REAL ugly history in this country of race riots,terrorism, violence,lynchings,etc.
These things are not to be trivialized...by ANYBODY. Her story has taken several bizarre and even comical twists and turns. On a surface, skin deep level(pun) it's a very funny story....but Rachel dishonors the generations of people who were victims of jim crow and klan fueled terror by LYING about being the target of hate crimes/intimidation.