I know everyone is sick of the bruce jenner thing but I gotta bring up the media brainwashing aspect of it. Am I the only one who has seen dozens of articles on my Facebook news feed about 'how to respond' to jenner and his sex change? And God forbid you refer to him as a 'he'.. people will jump down your throat. I was banned from commenting on a popular website because when they posted an article about the proper way to talk about bruce (always as 'she' and 'her'), I commented that if you're born a man, you're a man for life. Bruce is a man who had surgery to look like a woman. This was enough to get about 100 people calling me a bigot and the website banning me. I don't like being coached on how to feel. I feel however I feel naturally. Is this abnormal on my part? Are the people on this site buying the media hype that not calling a man a woman is the new equivalent to racism? This whole thing is annoying.

Make that coffee to go