Originally Posted By: alicecooper
Yesterday at a bond reduction hearing the local Cossacks president testified that before Twin Peaks waco pd had asked him to meet w/the Bandidos and smooth things out over some of the problems they'd been having. He was then released on lowered bond.

So the local pd asks them to meet. Then undercovers/paid informants in the Cossacks get about 50-60 together to do just that. 50-60 represents about 1/10th total Cossacks membership. The 50-60 went (against club instructions) because they were spurred on by undercover police/paid informants inside the Cossacks.

Then the cops shoot a whole bunch of people.

You got it.

Also on the girls comment, Hooters always has better women but I honestly don't care. I just go for the wings. Twin Peaks has always been a Hooters knock off, and after Hooters was sold out from the original family, the son of the original owner of Hooters left Hooters to start TP or at least work for them I forget. I wasn't impressed with their food at all.