Originally Posted By: getthesenets

Yeah ,Kali and some of those other guys fall into the "entertainment" category.We've both worked out long enough to spot guys who appear to be taking "other substances".Again, some guys are genetic marvels, but that's a small % of humans, the rest who appear that way are not natural.

Avatars do play a part in how people are perceived. Binnie had the avi of Fannuci from GF2 before , and he was writing these insightful posts but I was halfway afraid of him because of the avi, lol

I was very late to the Wire, but when I did watch it...I noted that the actor playing Marlo might be Haitian, as I am. He is, and we do share some facial features but not more than what people from similar ethnic backgrounds would share.

Best show ever man!!
On the workout front, some advice for people out there who are interested in bodybuilding, or mass building. If your doing this stuff natural ie. no steroids, you really do need to lift heavy in the 5-10 rep range, only occasionally would I go higher than that to gain size.
I know tons of 'experts' out there, pro bodybuilders etc say you don't need to lift heavy to gain size,but remember, pro bodybuilders are all on steroids, and you can train differently when you juice. Why you see Jay Cutler doing 20 plus reps using 30 pound dumbells even though he weighs like 290 pounds. Same as if you watch Phil heath doing literally the most pathetic quarter squats! IF your not on these steroid stacks you need to keep lifting heavy! If your compounds, bench, deadlift, squat, military etc keep going up in weight over time you will gain size and muscle.