For me, this article just muddied up the waters a bit more on what happened down there.

It's becoming a classic case of he-said, she-said nonsense. Take the motorcycles out of the story. Simplify it to people and associations:

The Landscaping/ex-fireman Scimitar member, is aligned with the cossaks. I am ignorant, but are the Cossaks identified or considered a societal threat because of their history of violence/criminal activity? How about the Bandidos?

If the answer is yes, then this Landscaper may be talking out of both sides of his mouth.

Now, the Lady who has the beer coozie and the vest patch in favor of the Bandidos...IF, IF, IF they are identified or considered criminal, what does she expect?

It's very very possible that the police overreacted in this situation. But, it's also possible that some of these innocent "club" members may be watching too much television.

Personally, I don't walk around in Bloods or crips colors when I'm in the city nor would I ever ride my motorcycle with a Pagans or Warlocks support patch on my jacket. And, I retired my Italy jacket back in the 1990s.

You hang around with shit long enough, you start to smell like it.

Boss of tha toilet!