On one hand, you have past examples of Outfit guys like Fifi Buccieri, Turk Torello, Rocco Infelise, etc who were known to have been involved in the drug trade. Not only were they not killed but also reached high levels in the Outfit suggest the rule wasn't total black and white. It may have been something akin to the apparent situation with Castellano in the Gambinos family. He was said to be dead set against drugs but took drug money from Patsy Conte and the Gambinos while being upset about the Gotti crew dealing. In other words, don't deal unless you have permission and don't get caught. We saw similar situations where Chin was involved in drugs but eventually becomes boss. Then he is said to be dead set against drugs but makes Barney Bellomo, who had his own history of dealing, the acting boss. Likewise Tony Corallo, who rants against dealing, but allows two known traffickers in Vic Amuso and Gaspipe Casso to take over.

On the other hand, the relative lack of drug cases involving the Outfit, both decades ago and in more recent years, suggests it has abstained from deep or significant involvement in narcotics. Especially when you compare it to the drug cases involving other families, particularly those in New York.

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