Originally Posted By: TonyG
Let's be real - the cops were there because they knew there was a chance of trouble since the Cossacks started wearing that Texas bottom rocker. My guess is the cops had undercovers working.

But the thing is the Bandido's were at every CoC meeting from the beginning and there was NEVER any issues. The issue started when the Cossacks showed up. The Bandido's were there for about an hour and had no issues with anyone there. I've heard rumors that some of the Cossacks are undercovers but who knows?

As for the cops, I still smell bullshit. If I'm the owners of Twin Peaks I'm suing the city because their words cost them the franchise. They had no reason to even ask Twin Peaks to ban the bikers because they have been paying customers for a LONG TIME and were NOT known to start trouble there. The cops are pushing this meeting as a meeting over the Cossacks trouble and that is bullshit too.