There was a guy murdered by a sniper outside a pizza restaurant here in Austin about 9 years ago, allegedly by the Bandito's for wearing an HA patch. The murder has never been solved. (BTW - Saccone's is the best NJ style pizza in the city).

What happened in Waco is not the first time the Bandito's have taken issue with someone wearing the wrong patch or colors in their territory.

Let's be real - the cops were there because they knew there was a chance of trouble since the Cossacks started wearing that Texas bottom rocker. My guess is the cops had undercovers working.

I get that not every guy riding a HD is an outlaw, and that not every club is 1%. The bottom line is the cops knew there were some outlaws at the meeting, and were there in the event any shit started.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.