@K1NG6: I was looking at the recent chart that you made and noticed that you switched Joey Punge and Phil Narducci. Do you have some new information on that, which made you switch the two out? I also noticed the * and was wondering why Phil Narducci would be operating autonomously and not working with the other guys? Is it because you think he can't work with Joe Punge b/c he killed his father Chickie or something else going on here? Also, does anyone know about what happened between Johnny Chang and Phil Narducci and why they dont get along at all (something happened when he was in jail involving the Baldino nephews). I heard that his nephew ended up getting into a big fist fight with Phil in some S. Philly gym. Guess between those two things I'd venture to say that the Baldino nephews are not with their uncle and if they are still in fact active, which I would assume they are, then they're with Johnny Chang or one of his guys?