Since its a lot harder to loan shark. Now of days you see more gambling. To become an associate I'm sure you have to be a decent earner whether it's legitimate money or something from anything illegal.

Drugs have lengthy sentences. Gambling sells it self just as well so it's common that people start off being a bookie. If they notice how well you handle non-payments and if whatever system you have is working you'll get noticed.

You pay you're way into the mob just like any other fraternity. Other than blood ties , getting made quick depends on how much money you bring in/work/jobs.

One doesn't necesarily have to be a bookie to get made . Really most made guys extort bookies and use their muscle to collect or pay out. The bookies can be any random person that just knows a lot of gamblers.

As a Capo I'd imagine you got there because you have a solid platform to provide for the family . That or family relations etc. .

You can provide no show or no work jobs for other made guys (construction or any legitimate business) . Those guys will do the bookmaking/collection or whatever illegal profits. so the capo won't be on the street ( it can take years for a book to start taking in a million a year) . I'm sure the capo would just collect a percentage off the top. Doing that he provides a steady cash flow for made guys that don't have real estate and business etc.

Now why a capo would do all that if he has legitimate money and business? The only answer I can think of is when they get made they make an oath for life. There wouldn't be a boss of any family if they all retired when they had good legitimate income . The mafia is a fraternal organization for a lack of better words . I'd imagine if I made it to capo I had a crew that helped get me there. Until indictments are thrown down they pretty much look after each other.

This isn't fact just what I've gathered . Correct me if possible .

example of passing up higher posotion

" Cali is also known to be a big earner for the Gambino family making millions of dollars a year from his involvement in the city’s food industry among other criminal aspects.''

Last edited by Chicken713; 05/29/15 09:00 AM.