Originally Posted By: Faithful1
WOODWARD: Well, I think he didn't. Look, Obama does not like war. But as you look back on this, the argument from the military was, let's keep 10,000, 15,000 troops there as an insurance policy. And we all know insurance policies make sense. We have 30,000 troops or more in South Korea still 65 years or so after the war. When you are a superpower, you have to buy these insurance policies. And he didn't in this case. I don't think you can say everything is because of that decision, but clearly a factor.

That is why I blame Obama for ISIS. Contingency force would have been the best route. Hands down our president isn't anywhere near an intelligent human being. I am surprised Darwinism, Natural Selection, Survival of the Fittest hasn't taken effect on him yet like tripping on a banana peel or choking on a peanut.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"