Most of Bayonne is more than live able , that one area of projects is pretty bad but they also have somewhat recently been building luxury tow homes . Still generally a blue collar town , have lots of friends that grew up and live there and they are all successful white collar people

JC is even worse as far extremes , some is horrible and that Marion project area is terrible ( the one with the sign that says drugs are illegal lol) but some parts of JC are the most expensive in the USA with huge corporate HQs there . That city has and continues to change rapidly

I'm not from either of those places but they have always been strong money making places and honestly nobody really cares about gambling or who is building new properties that generate money or who is doing the trash and recyclables etc. sure a few busts here and there but gerbetly biz as usual . Shoot even dare cops sold drugs there and it barely made a ripple news wise .

Each town is also pretty corrupt , again no one really cares , it's just part of the culture and not just Italians making a living