Originally Posted By: Shamm11375
Wikipedia and stuff will lead you to believe that everybody in jersey kinda answered to Tino Fiumara when he was alive, especially after the Chin passed away. Was that true? Or just internet fodder?

Tino did A LOT of time. And when he came home, Prisco was kinda running things. But not the "day-to-day." Angelo was more of a conduit between New York and New Jersey. That's where the Feds got it wrong (and I don't care what any press release or FBI file says, they ain't telling me ANYTHING about Angelo Prisco).

The entire time the stupid Feds had Angelo in charge of the Jersey faction, he was still operating out of his headquarters in Westchester Square here in the Bronx, and spending his spare time down in Florida. They left Jersey to Jersey. Angelo was more of a "go-between" than anything else.

I'd say that Angelo equaled Tino in overall power, but in a different area (obviously in the Bronx, Westchester and 116th--when 116th was still 116th wink ). But when Tino came home after that fifteen-year bid, he was the top guy out there--except for when he was away on violations lol.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.