I was at the beach all week and week end and hit bunch of my old spots .A few names were flying around and wondering if any Philly people know these sir names of possible new made guys or associates .

Not a shot of asking the persons I herd this from to elaborate of course.These guys could be made for all I know.

It was in casual conversation with people that are on the edge of the life or real close to it .I will not say first names cos I don't want to put anyone that is not in the life in a bad light.

Ranieri,Furfaro,Zagone,Perrone, Barretta, Battaglini,

I know some of these sir names and one or two of the people ,but it can not be them ,it must be a young relative getting involved.
Anyone know info into these young guns ?

Last edited by Serpiente; 05/25/15 01:40 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."