Originally Posted By: tommykarate
there not all thugs and criminals

Exactly. There are plenty that are in 1% m/c's like you said that are NOT even criminals. Are the majority of some like the 81 or others crooks? Maybe. Are all of them crooks? Hell no. The guy that does most of the motor work on my Harley is in one, they are in a world of turmoil as they are possibly fixing to be patched over, but the only law he breaks is having too many to drink when he rides. Yes I know DUI is very serious but I've never seen him ride crazy while drinking and yes I know that is breaking the law. But does he run guns or drugs? Hell no. He busts his ass at work every day just like tommy said about the ones he knew.

So to think all the bikers at this meeting were a bunch of tweakers shooting at the law is ignorant. Yes a lot of them were/are criminals, but those Christian m/c's are always preaching peace and are never troublemakers.

Most of y'all are thinking this was the Bandidos, Hells Angels, Warlocks and Sons of Anarchy all meeting at once and fighting over turf and that is SO FAR from the truth. whistle