Legs and shoulders take long for me because it's pretty much 2 days combined into 1. I'm trying to hit every muscle twice a week and the only possible way was to combine these 2.

It took me a little over an hour and a half.

Barbell military press- 4 sets of 4-6
Rear delt flys- 4 sets of 8
Shrugs- 3 sets of 20
Db shoulders press- 4 sets of 4-6
Lateral Raises- 3 sets of 6

Squats- 3 sets of 5
Leg Press- 4 sets of 6-8
Lunges- 4 sets of 15
Leg extensions- 4 sets to failure
Lying leg curls- 4 sets of 6-8
Sitting leg curls- 3 sets of 6-8
Seated calf raises- 3 sets of 20
Leg press calf raises- 4 sets of 20
Standing calf raises- 4 sets of 20