Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
One thing I've notice is, those that attempt to bring up some kind of moral relativism between Christianity and Islam are often those who are apologists in some way for radical Islam. And even if certain parallels can be made, in terms of the bad episodes of each religion, there's something to be said for the fact that those people typically have to go back hundreds of years in order to bring up the Crusades or whatever point they're trying to make. Well, it's 2015, and the problem we have is radical Islam, no matter how uncomfortable that fact makes them feel.

As an aside, with the recent taking of Ramadi by ISIS, really got to hand it to Obama. A lot of US soldiers died taking those cities and his "feckless foreign policy," to quote one critic, has nullified all that. And I expect that to continue. He doesn't dare upset his far-left supporters by making any real moves against ISIS. He'll just wait out his term and let the next President deal with it.

mmmmm.... isn't that what your hero George w, bush did. create a war by lying about about the supposed weapons saadam hussien had.

didn't bush create this big mess, and then passed it on to Obama. Obama didn't create it, it was passed down to him.

I'm not a Bush defender because I was not for the war in Iraq, but there's a difference between lying and being mistaken. There was all kinds of intel back then that did strongly support Saddam Hussein having WMDs. In fact when American troops went in they did find stockpiles of chemical weapons, but they were old stockpiles. Hussein also was interested in nuclear weapons against the Iranians. The Israelis bombed a manufacturing facility. Hussein was uncooperative with inspections, fired on U.S. and allied planes in the No Fly Zone, and put a hit out on George H. W. Bush during the Clinton administration. He was also paying the families of suicide bombers $25K and supported more suicide bombing. He also had a past history of using chemical weapons to commit genocide. Any of those could be considered acts of war. Not only that, but one of his top generals, General Georges Sada, said that they did have newer WMDs and trucked them to Syria in the days leading up to the war. He wrote a book about it giving the details, but most people never heard of him. http://www.amazon.com/Saddams-Secrets-Georges-Hormuz-Sada/dp/1595553304

There's also no evidence - ZERO evidence - that G. W. Bush intentionally tried to deceive anyone. When he first became President he was against starting any wars, but 9/11 changed all that. To him the war in Iraq was a defensive war since Hussein supported terrorism, had WMDs, continued to be a threat to Middle Eastern peace, and continuously violated the restrictions placed on him by the United Nations. Let's not forget that there were Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee who had access to classified information and all of them supported invasion. Even Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and John Kerry voted for the war. So to repeat -- there's nothing to indicate that Bush lied.