Dues, keep at it. I started playing when I was in my early 30s. I was always a coordinate athlete, so golf shouldn't be a problem. WRONG. I was shooting 60 for 9 holes. It takes practice, play, practice, play, etc. to improve. Take lessons. I started with lessons through my town. $50, 10 lessons. About 50 people showed up, but I learned the basics. Then you have to play. Also read or watch videos. Recommended, Harvey Penick's "Little Red Book". By the time I was in my mid, late 40s I was playing bogey golf and then getting some rounds in mid 80s. Best round - 78. Love the game. I don't play much now, but still love it.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12