Yep y'all are right. I did some checking (have been without internet since Saturday) and the cops said they were already in the parking lot BEFORE the fight even occurred. So obviously since Twin Peaks refused to refuse the biker meeting, the cops decided to be there and get something started it seems. They said their response was 30-45 seconds, so there is NO DOUBT they were posted up and waiting with guns aimed. To top it off, no uniformed officers were posted INSIDE the Twin Peaks but yet they were so scared of what was fixing to happen. Like you said Alfanosgirl, it was like a shooting gallery for them with the "redneck bikers" running out weapons in hand.

Some things I've noticed:

1. The cops have a vendetta with the local m/c's AND the people at Twin Peaks since they claim they wouldn't "cooperate" with them and ban paying customers who obviously had never caused problems there at Twin Peaks.

2. They more than likely shot first and asked questions later. If their response was less than 45 seconds, I seriously doubt they even had enough time to identify themselves.

3. They made sure they have smeared the franchise owner and managers are Twin Peaks. Now TP has pulled their franchise rights and the restaurant will obviously close down as the state is looking into their liquor license now as well.

4. This was supposed to have been a peace meeting of all the local m/c's big and small. It seems there was to be no show of force in hurting other members of other m/c's until this "supposedly happened".

5. There was NEVER an order to kill the cops. Even the DFW and Waco local presidents and the state president of the Bandidos has come out and said it would be suicide to come out and shoot at the cops and in no way were they that stupid and ignorant. Yet we keep hearing about how they have been green lit and expect more violence towards the cops. What horseshit.

There is more but it's 2:30am here and I'm drawing a blank right now. I had more notes but my mind went blank as I'm trying to watch t.v., type on this laptop and remember my thoughts to type

This is definitely starting to sound fishy and I agree with y'alls point, that people will think these are nothing but drugged up bikers who decided to start shooting at everyone in sight over something minor. This stinks to me and not because I own a Harley and ride myself.

Last edited by dixiemafia; 05/19/15 11:36 PM.