Originally Posted By: getthesenets

Good luck, whatever you decide to do. Fact that you're mentioning neck training shows that you take an old school approach to training.(which is great)Speaking of old school, have you ever read any articles or books by the late Larry Scott? There are some old school movements and exercises that people have abandoned, but were tried and tested. People don't train for symmetry anymore but just for mass. I've never heard the neck, flexed arm, calf thing before but it does sound like makes fr a more balanced physique.

tell us how the bars and bands work out for you....and remember....the bands you want are the lightest skinny bands they sell......about 41 inches around.

Hi Gett, yes I have heard of him, there's a lot of things better about how the old guys did things, Like Arnie, half the size of the guys today but revered so much more than anyone today. Because its only just not possible how him and those era guys looked like, he admits steroids but weak, weak doses and when it wasn't illegal. Even without I'm sure he would of looked magnificent!.
Yes there is guides to build the perfect proportioned body, another thing is to aim to have your chest 10 inches bigger than your waist measurement.
What kind of stuff do you do in the gym gett? Bodybuilding or powerlifting? I used to just do bodybuilding but recently threw in a power day once a week with great results, managed to get a 450 deadlift the other day, first time i tried using chalk and couldn't believe I overlooked it before! Helped my grip tremendously!