When I was referring to the type of criminal that likes to sit back and talk of what they did before I wasn't talking about true experienced oc criminals I was talking about the one crime wonders who were big or even just moderatly successful for a 3 year period 30 years ago but still speak of it like they were a boss still. And generally no one in law enforcement cares enough about them to do anything.

I would argue one point though, if you are a criminal of any kind at all in the year 2015 and have been at it as long as some of these guys you are gonna get locked up. People think gigante was pretty smart and he spent his last 30 plus years being as cautious as could be and he died in a hospital prison just like gotti.

The only chance you have is to get legit and stay legit as soon as you can and hope your old associates stay out of trouble and don't rat