Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: cookcounty
we rarely agree but this phone shit is beyond stupid

It was bound to happen, Cook lol.

No two people on this earth are THAT different. If you keep that in mind, and we BOTH learn to bite our tongues once in a while, I think we can eventually learn to treat each other with respect.

Some of my closest friends and allies on these boards started out as the exact opposite. We worked things out through pms and moved on. Now, realistically, you and I will probably never be friends, even in the online sense. But there's absolutely no reason why we can't respect each other and treat each other civilly.

That's my olive branch to you. Before my Dad got sick, it would have been impossible for me to make this post. But life's too short, man. It's too fucking short. Especially for the bullshit.

Racism n racist jokes are hilarious....well the jokes r funny

Too bad people take racism seriously n we have radicals

Not calling u racist, i'm more light hearted than u think

Only race I truly dislike is my own for obvious reasons

Okay, I believe that was sincere, and that's a start. So, moving forward, let's both keep this particular exchange in mind smile.

Now, back on topic. A neighbor kid recently bought the LG G3, but he got locked into a contract and got the thing disconnected (read the fine print, boys). The phone goes for like $600, and it was like brand new. So I took a chance and bought it off the kid for a hundred bucks. It took a little doing, but I finally found a small cellular store in the mid-Bronx willing to "unlock" it.

He charged me fifty bucks to do it, then he put in a T-Mobile prepaid sim. $80 a month for unlimited talk, text, and data. I never had an android phone before (although I have an ASUS tablet), and my iPhone is still my "go-to" phone for now. But this LG G3 is a helluva phone. My only beef is that it's a little too big.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.