Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
What angers me is that stupid looking FBI agent and Prosecutor were supporting and recommending that the Florida Judge let a Pedophile like Blutrich walk and probably assume a new identity were he doesn't have to register as a sex offender in anytown USA.

I hear you, Beans. And I agree that it's sickening. But the same thing just happened with the Papa Smurf case out in Jersey. A pedophile as the star witness. This is what you're dealing with when the Feds decide to play dirty.

Anyway, Bronx and I have talked about this ad nauseam, on the board and off. But Blutrich and Pfeffer got the ball rolling on Scores. It was the perfect storm for the Feds because that's exactly when Greg was doing his divide and conquer bit between Tore and Junior.

That case hurt a lot of people. And not just prison time. I mean financially. A lot of guys who were living high on the hog prior to that indictment STILL haven't recovered financially. But between asset seizures and attorney's fees, well, that's the part they tend to leave out of "The Sopranos." A dozen busted suitcases just doesn't make for good television.

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