Originally Posted By: BlackFamily
@ PB,

Surburban America can actually meet Crips, Bloods, etc since they moved there decades ago. It's more or less Hollywood portrayal of stereotypes and discrimination.

I hear you, BF. And I have no doubt that "successful" Black criminals have moved out of the ghettos and into the suburbs. Fuck, it's what half the Italian criminals did after they got made lol. But that's not the point I was trying to make.

My point was that your average Lilly White, "John Q. Public," is a lot more interested in the LCN than about the gangs because of the way they've seen them portrayed in movies.

If you look at my initial post, I made it very clear that the Feds go after the gangs just as much as they go after the wiseguys. You just don't read about it because the people I was referring to don't care to read about it. I was also quick to point out that when White people use silly lines like "why don't they go after the Black drug dealers?" that it's a line of self-serving steaming shit.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.