Originally Posted By: Malandrino
You better make a thread called "Accuracies in Organized Crime Books" so we can point out the shit they actually get right.

Likely to be a very short thread...

More about Lansky:

Lansky tried for Israeli citizenship in the early '70's. He was denied, but he appealed to Israel's High Court. While his appeal was working through the court, he thought it would be helpful to allow an Israeli journalist, Uri Dan, to write an "authorized" biography of him. Dan didn't know anything about US organized crime, and he was gaga that the Great Meyer was "telling all" rolleyes. So Lansky BS'd him up, down and sideways:

Lansky told him that Abner (Longy) Zwillman, the undisputed boss of Newark NJ "ran with my gang when we were teenagers." Oh, Meyer: In order for Zwillman to "run with your gang when you were teenagers," and before the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, and the Washington Bridge were built between NJ and NY, Zwillman would have had to take a bus, a subway, a ferry and two more buses to get to NY's Lower East Side to "run with your gang"--at least a two-hour-plus commute each way.

Lansky also told Dan that he and Bugsy Siegel were great pals of Al Capone because Bugsy "sheltered Capone in his house on 14th Street in 1919," while Capone was on the lam, and just before he left for Chicago. Lansky said Bugsy bought Capone's train ticket. Yeah, Meyer. Right, Meyer. Sure, Meyer: Bugsy Siegel, born February 29, 1906, was all of 13 years old in 1919. Know any 13-year-olds who own houses on 14th Street? And where did Bugsy get the money for Snorky's train ticket to Chicago? From his Bar Mitzvah money?

Gimme a break... tongue

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.